Dental Support Specialties takes great pride in being completely transparent about all of the services we provide for our partner dental practices. We make everything easily accessible so you never have to guess whether or not you’re getting the most out of your investment. On this page, you’ll find our Client Portal, which keeps track of minute-to-minute updates on how we are helping you grow and improve your practice.
Dental Support Client Information
Enjoy 100% Transparency
Client Portal

Want to know exactly how Dental Support Specialties is serving your business? You can see this with our easy-to-use patient portal. In it, you’ll find how many calls our team has taken, how many appointments we’ve booked, how many dollars we’ve sent your way, and much more all in real time. We want you to know for certain that you’ve made a great choice partnering with us, and this portal makes that simple and convenient.
View Our Client Portal