Dental Support Specialties

3 Reasons to Embrace New Dental Billing and Scheduling Software

January 27, 2023

Filed under: Uncategorized — dentalsupportteam @ 1:49 pm
tooth image in front of computer software

With all the technology available in dentistry, you may find it difficult to choose a device to acquire for your practice. While some practices benefit from having digital impressions, others are better served with a cone beam CT scanner. Regardless of whatever technology you decide to use for clinical purposes, you need to make sure your dental billing and scheduling software is up-to-date. Why? Check out these three reasons!


Knowing Your Numbers: How DSS Can Save You on Dental Insurance Verification

January 16, 2023

Filed under: Uncategorized — dentalsupportteam @ 1:42 pm
dental paperwork with a calculator

As in many other situations in life, it’s easy to go with what you’ve always done or what everyone else is doing. However, every now and then, you should evaluate whether there may be a better way.

A prime example of this is how your dental practice handles insurance verification. You may have always delegated this responsibility to your staff, but could it be worth going with an external service? In this post, you’ll learn why you need to know your cost numbers and how Dental Support Specialties can help your practice perform better!


Start 2023 Off Right by Finishing 2022 Dental Billing

January 3, 2023

Filed under: Uncategorized — dentalsupportteam @ 1:34 pm
hand turning the calendar from 2022 to 2023

Are you still reeling from the end-of-the-year rush of 2022? Do you have unpaid claims that need to be taken care of? Do you need dental billing support?

Now is the time to have these taken care of because now you will have 2023 appointments and patients with reset benefits for the new year. Keep reading to learn why having unpaid claims can be a huge problem for your practice and how Dental Support Specialties can get your finances back in order through insurance verification.


3 Essential Questions to Ask a Dental Phone Answering Service

December 30, 2022

Filed under: Uncategorized — dentalsupportteam @ 12:49 pm
dentist holding a phone with question marks above it

When you consider phone answering service companies for your dental practice, you may have many questions in mind: How much does it cost? Will a real person answer the phone or a machine? These are obviously valuable questions to ask, but there are others that can help you determine which company to choose. Here are just three examples of these inquiries and how Dental Support Specialties answers them.


Got Goals for 2023? We Can Help You Achieve Them!

December 19, 2022

Filed under: Uncategorized — dentalsupportteam @ 12:46 pm
happy dentist sitting at a desk looking at 2023 goals

Although your office and team may be in holiday mode at the moment, the new year is just around the corner. With just a few weeks left, you need to shift your focus on your 2023 goals for your dental practice. What are some possible professional resolutions you could shoot for this upcoming year? And how can working with Dental Support Specialties help you achieve your goals? Read on to learn more!


Boost Your Bottom Line with DSS

December 5, 2022

Filed under: Uncategorized — dentalsupportteam @ 12:42 pm
the words “Bottom Line” circled in red pencil

Like every business owner, you want to make a profit in your dental practice, but the answer isn’t always bringing in more money. Sometimes, the smarter solution is to cut back on your business expenses. So why would you want to add service with Dental Support Specialties (DSS) to your business costs?

The simple answer is that we can actually help you save on your costs and increase your revenue in the long run. In this post, we’ll break down how our dental phone scheduling support can boost your bottom line.


4 Key Performance Indicators You Should Be Tracking and Analyzing

November 28, 2022

Filed under: Uncategorized — dentalsupportteam @ 3:57 pm
dentist analyzing key performance indicators

Overall, your practice seems to be doing fairly well. Toward the end of the year, however, it’s good to develop some goals for the following year, but where exactly can you improve?

Most dental software systems out there allow you to track a ton of information. With so much data at your fingertips and key performance indicators (KPIs), how do you know which information is most beneficial? Here are just four KPIs that you should be tracking and regularly evaluating to see where you, your team, and your practice can get better.


Avoid These 3 Illegal Dental Billing Practices That Could Get You into Trouble

November 16, 2022

Filed under: Uncategorized — dentalsupportteam @ 3:54 pm
dentist in shock because of illegal dental billing practices

You’re going about your normal day when suddenly you receive notice that you’re being sued—you have legal problems now. Have you been completely honest and truthful in your dental billing practices? Will they help you in your legal situation?

As a small business owner, you need to be aware of what is and isn’t legal, especially in your billing paperwork. Keep reading to learn about 3 illegal practices and how they can harm your business.


Want a More Profitable Revenue Cycle? Streamline Your Dental Billing Process!

November 3, 2022

Filed under: Uncategorized — dentalsupportteam @ 3:48 pm
dentist calculating revenue cycle and improving their dental billing process

As a business owner, you like to see your finances in the green. Having a profitable revenue cycle gives you the freedom to acquire new technology, hire more team members, or simply build a financial cushion and breathe.

But your revenue cycles hinges on your dental billing process, especially insurance verification. If you don’t have an established, efficient process in place, you and your team can feel the pinch. In this post, you’ll understand more about the revenue cycle and how to make your billing process run more smoothly.


4 Tips for Successful Dental Insurance Billing

October 26, 2022

Filed under: Uncategorized — dentalsupportteam @ 5:27 pm
happy patient and a dental team that had successful dental insurance billing

In dental school, you’re taught the technical skills necessary to be a successful dentist. You learn about how to care for patients, how to perform procedures, and a whole lot more! But no one really told you that dealing with insurance can be challenging. If your team isn’t doing it properly, your practice won’t get paid on time. How can you make sure you have successful dental insurance billing? Follow these four tips! 

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