Dental Support Specialties

3 Challenges Specialty Practices Face in Answering Phone Calls

May 3, 2023

Filed under: Uncategorized — dentalsupportteam @ 5:21 pm
front desk receptionist talking on the phone

When you opened your specialty practice, you hand-picked your administrative team. Perhaps they had previous experience in your field, or perhaps they were eager to shift gears away from general practices. In any case, they are now highly trained and work efficiently.

But what do you do when your front desk workers go on vacation, take a lunch break, or are on maternity (or paternity) leave? You need someone to take phone calls that won’t require a lot of extra training. Good news! Dental Support Specialties serves not just general practices but also oral surgeries and periodontal practices. Keep reading to learn the challenges that come with a specialty practice and how we can help you continue to thrive and grow.


The Secret to Better Marketing Lead Conversion

April 28, 2023

Filed under: Uncategorized — dentalsupportteam @ 2:11 pm
graphic showing lead conversion

When it comes to bringing in leads, there are many marketing tools at your disposal. From pay-per-click campaigns to SEO tactics, from backlinking to direct mail marketing, you can spend a pretty penny on getting your brand in front of as many people as possible. However, these effective methods can only generate leads. It’s up to you and your staff to convert these leads into paying patients.

Marketing can be well worth the investment, but it only goes so far. Instead of spending more money on marketing, you could bring in more revenue by taking advantage of the leads you already get. How? By having Dental Support Specialties answer your phone calls and schedule appointments!


Follow-Up Calls: Get More Work Done

April 17, 2023

Filed under: Uncategorized — dentalsupportteam @ 3:13 pm
friendly woman making a follow-up call

During an appointment, you put together a great treatment plan for a patient wanting a smile makeover. You perfect every detail and discuss the financial aspect, and they seem genuinely interested in moving forward. You’re excited to have a high-cost case, but when the patient still hasn’t scheduled the treatment, you wonder if you’ll ever get it done!

Follow-up calls are important to keep your connection with patients strong and to keep them coming back. But does that mean your front desk team has  to call each patient? No! Keep reading to learn when and how to have follow up calls that are actually effective.


How Insurance Verification Strengthens Patient Relationships

April 5, 2023

Filed under: Uncategorized — dentalsupportteam @ 3:11 pm
happy mother and daughter talking to team member

During busy times, your dental practice is humming with activity—you’re examining and talking with patients, your hygienists are cleaning teeth, your front desk staff members are checking patients in. When you have a lot going on, it may seem like an inconvenience to add another task to the mix.

However, if you aren’t currently taking the time for insurance verification, it could end up hurting your practice. Why is this step important? What could happen to your relationship with patients if you don’t do this? Keep reading to find out!


We’re Not a Call Center! How DSS Is Different

March 29, 2023

Filed under: Uncategorized — dentalsupportteam @ 2:58 pm
woman with a headset looking confused

At some point in life, nearly everyone has experienced being misjudged. Others may have placed an inaccurate label on you or tried to put you inside a box that clearly doesn’t fit. We know the feeling.

At first glance, it may be easy to quickly judge Dental Support Specialties (DSS) as just another call center, but the truth is that we’re completely different! Although a call center employee answers the phone, and so do we, the similarities basically end there. We are proud to be unique from many other dental answering service companies in the following ways.


The Irritating Ways Dental Insurance Can Wear You Down

March 17, 2023

Filed under: Uncategorized — dentalsupportteam @ 2:55 pm
frustrated dental team member after working with insurance

Every job comes with some amount of drudgery—those tasks that make the workday inch by. For the front desk staff at your dental practice, chances are their most dreaded tasks have to do with insurance. It’s a necessary evil in the field, but insurance can quickly wear you down unless you have some support.

In this post, you’ll learn about the various ways insurance can make everyone in your practice grumpy or even turn your practice into a toxic environment for patients and employees alike. Plus, you’ll learn how Dental Support Specialties can turn it around for you!


3 Important Reasons Your Answering Service Needs to Schedule Appointments

March 6, 2023

Filed under: Uncategorized — dentalsupportteam @ 2:52 pm
happy caller on the phone

At the beginning of your career, you may have thought that clinical prowess and unparalleled service to your patients in person would be sufficient to make your practice successful. While these are certainly important to patient retention, you may not even get the chance to prove yourself—if your answering service isn’t capable of scheduling appointments. Learn why this ability is so important!


5 Steps You Don’t Have to Take When You Hire Us

February 27, 2023

Filed under: Uncategorized — dentalsupportteam @ 3:19 pm
female dentist in an operatory pointing

Do you need to add another front desk team member to your staff? Does your practice need more support to keep things running smoothly? The thought of hiring another employee may not seem appealing to you because of all the extra steps you have to take. However, when you turn to Dental Support Specialties, you don’t have to go through these steps.


Think You Can’t Afford Our Services? Think Again!

February 15, 2023

Filed under: Uncategorized — dentalsupportteam @ 3:14 pm
business man with empty pockets turned out

When economic times get rough, it’s natural to wonder whether certain expenses are really worthwhile. Perhaps the last thing on your mind is hiring a service company to support your practice. But did you know that Dental Support Specialties can actually help you bring in more money? When you realize what we can do for you, it becomes clear that you can’t afford not to hire us!

Although we offer many money-saving and money-making services, let’s just look at one—billing. Our contribution to billing alone merits paying for our services. Just keep reading to learn how!


No Messages, Just Dental Scheduling

February 3, 2023

Filed under: Uncategorized — dentalsupportteam @ 3:11 pm
person typing into office phone to listen to messages

As you come in to work one day, one of your front desk team members submits a time-off request. They are taking a whole week off for their kid’s spring break. You obviously want them to have a fun time, but maybe you’re worried about how the practice will fare without them. Checking patients in and out shouldn’t be too difficult to add to someone else’s plate for a week, but you don’t know who will answer all the incoming phone calls and keep your schedule filled.

That’s where the team at Dental Support Specialties comes in! Unlike other answering service companies, we don’t just take messages—we actually work within your schedule and book appointments.

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