Dental Support Specialties

The 2 Relationships That Matter Most for Your Practice’s Success

August 16, 2023

Filed under: Uncategorized — dentalsupportteam @ 2:46 pm
three front desk team members smiling

In life, there are plenty of rewarding relationships that deserve your time and attention. If you’re a dentist, however, in addition to family and friends, two relationships you shouldn’t neglect are with your patients and your support staff—if you want to be successful.

Why are these relationships so important, and how could your choice of an administrative service company affect them? Keep reading to find out!


Experience Speaks for Itself: Why You Need a Seasoned Call-Answering Team

August 3, 2023

Filed under: Uncategorized — dentalsupportteam @ 12:49 pm
call-answering team with headsets on

As a dentist, you know education plays a vital role in your success. After all, you attend continuing education coursework every year to keep your skills and knowledge updated. But you also understand the high value of wisdom gained in on-the-job clinical experience.

When looking for an administrative professional or a support company for call-answering services, years of experience count for even more. Why would you rather work with someone who has years in the field over someone straight out of school? Here are just a few reasons to consider.


3 Problems, 1 Solution for Dental Insurance Billing

July 26, 2023

Filed under: Uncategorized — dentalsupportteam @ 3:58 pm
man thinking of a solution to dental insurance billing problems

Would life be simpler if your dental practice didn’t accept insurance? Probably, but insurance is a monster that’s difficult to ignore. However, according to the Office of Disease Prevention and Health Promotion, about 70 percent of people under the age of 65 have dental insurance benefits, which means that accepting insurance opens the door to many more potential patients.

However, working with insurance billing comes with many challenges. Learn more about these challenges and how you can address them by continuing to read the content below.


Is Outsourcing Insurance Billing Right for Your Practice?

July 14, 2023

Filed under: Uncategorized — dentalsupportteam @ 2:27 pm
illustration showing calculating dental insurance billing

Perhaps you’ve never really given the idea serious thought. Outsourcing insurance verification and billing is a decision that every dental practice should consider at some point. But how can you tell if it would be a smart choice for your office? Here are some signs that this move would benefit your practice.


3 Simple Tips to Make Dental Insurance Verification Easier for Your Practice

July 3, 2023

Filed under: Uncategorized — dentalsupportteam @ 1:21 pm
front desk team getting insurance forms

Finding a dental practice that accepts dental insurance is an attractive convenience for many patients. Being able to use their insurance simplifies their life and keeps their out-of-pocket costs down, but it can complicate your end significantly. Insurance verification is a necessary step if you want to get paid on time without frustrating your patients. But how can you make this step easier for you and your team? Check out these three tips!


Top 3 Issues with Accounts Receivable Recovery

June 29, 2023

Filed under: Uncategorized — dentalsupportteam @ 7:38 pm
accounts receivable written

When you decided to become a dentist when you “grow up,” you went to dental school to learn the techniques and technical skills you’d use on the job. You also take a certain number of continuing coursework to take your knowledge to the next level. Unfortunately, you could be the most clinically experienced, savvy, and friendly dentist and still have a struggling practice.

That’s because running a practice isn’t just about your technical prowess or your people skills—it also requires business acumen. If you aren’t familiar with it, accounts receivable recovery can be a confusing area of owning and operating a small business. Watch out for these three common problems that many dental practices face, but know that Dental Support Specialties can help you bring in revenue.


4 Must-Share Bits of Information from the Insurance Breakdown Form for Your Patient

June 16, 2023

Filed under: Uncategorized — dentalsupportteam @ 4:45 pm
insurance coverage with glasses

Unless you live and breathe dental insurance, working with it can be complicated. Even seasoned administrative professionals can get confused by the language in policies, and it can be helpful to get back to the basics. Instead of getting overwhelmed by all the information on the breakdown form, here are the little bits you need to understand and then explain to your patient. That way, they aren’t likely to be angry when they owe money at the end of their appointment.


4 Benefits to Your Practice That an Insurance Verification Company Offers

June 5, 2023

Filed under: Uncategorized — dentalsupportteam @ 3:21 pm
woman looking concerned while on the phone with insurance

Insurance verification—it’s a necessary evil for dental practices who are in-network with plans, but it doesn’t have to bog your practice down. In fact, working with an insurance verification company can greatly help your practice. How? Here are just four benefits that this partnership provides and that can take your practice to the next level.


Easy Tips for Filling Gaps in Your Schedule

May 30, 2023

Filed under: Uncategorized — dentalsupportteam @ 5:55 pm
busy front desk team member with work

Regardless of what industry you work in, there are going to be slow days every now and then. However, gaps in your schedule on a regular basis can put you in a financial bind. Not only are you not bringing in as much revenue as you could, but you’re also paying your team to sit around with less productivity. How can you minimize the number of gaps in your schedule? How can your team fill up the time doing tasks that help the practice? Follow these tips!


3 Benefits of Chart Auditing and How to Do It

May 16, 2023

Filed under: Uncategorized — dentalsupportteam @ 5:53 pm
wall of dental charts

Think fast—how many of your patients would you consider active? How many haven’t scheduled the work for their treatments plans? Although these questions may put you on the spot, they lead to important information to have every now and then.

Chart auditing, the process of determining the answers to these questions, may not be your top priority right now, but it needs to be done on a regular basis to keep a finger on the pulse of your patient base. In this post, you’ll learn why chart auditing is essential for your business and how to use it to your advantage.

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