Dental Support Specialties

You wanna what??!!

October 14, 2012

Filed under: Uncategorized — Dental Support Specialties @ 1:04 pm

Hi – this is Mr. Jones. I have an appointment scheduled next week, Thursday I think, that I need to cancel. I don’t have any more insurance left this year and it’s just a cleaning anyways so I am going to wait until after the new year”

“Hello! This is Mrs. George. Last time I was in, Deborah the hygienist told me she wanted to see me every 3 months. I don’t even know why. My insurance will only cover cleanings 2x a year so I need to reschedule my appointment that’s coming up next week.” (more…)

Fifty Shades of Disengagement & 10 steps to change it

August 25, 2012

Filed under: Uncategorized — Dental Support Specialties @ 12:32 pm

It’s 3 pm in the afternoon on a beautifully sunny day with a sky full of cotton candy clouds. There is a warm breeze caressing the city like a lover caressing his soul mates cheek after a passionate rendezvous. (Did I grab your attention??!!)

The phone rings………… The over tired, unappreciative employee cringes in dismay at the thought of actually having to answer the phone on the second ring,  rolls their eyes on the third, wearily answers it on the fourth by mumbling some unintelligible pathetic greeting that even a certified speed reader can’t decipher and then couldn’t even tell you who called or what they wanted after they completed the call in 32 seconds flat. They go back to wondering why their life sucks, how they got stuck in this pathetic job (oh, hey, when is payday?!) and how Susie is having a banger of a get together this weekend and gosh is it Friday yet? (more…)

TOUCHDOWN! What’s football have to do with dentistry?

August 8, 2012

Filed under: Uncategorized — Dental Support Specialties @ 1:46 pm

No football team wins without being prepared. No football team wins without systems in place. No football team wins without teamwork. No football team wins without passion.

“The minute I think I’m getting mellow, I’m retiring. Who ever heard of a mellow winner?” Woody Hayes

How do I know? My husband is a football coach who has passionately dedicated his talent and time for over 16 years to create winning strategies by placing all the talent on the team in the positions where they will succeed; encouraging these young men to think, act, be responsible for what they do, remove the “I” from their thinking, think in terms of “team” and be disciplined enough to always do what is right (both on and off the field). (more…)

What gets measured, gets done. Lack of Systems = Lack of Success

July 24, 2012

Filed under: Uncategorized — Dental Support Specialties @ 1:27 pm

System: An organized and coordinated method; a procedure; A group of interacting, interrelated, or interdependent elements forming a complex whole ; A condition of harmonious, orderly interaction.

Protocol: A code of correct conduct; Rules or guidelines that are peculiar to every culture or organization , and are supposed to be observed by all parties in the conduct of business, entertaining, negotiating, politics, etc.

Does your practice have clearly defined systems, job descriptions/expectations and protocols that encompass every single department, task and expectation within? (more…)

Challenges are opportunities in disguise!

July 6, 2012

Filed under: Uncategorized — Dental Support Specialties @ 1:44 pm

You know you need to make some changes. You know your practice is not where you want it to be, where you vision it to be, where you know it CAN be. What on earth are you waiting for?

We know that change doesn’t come easy, and usually comes with a small price. But what you get when you don’t change is more difficult and costly than implementing the change itself! (more…)

COACH it or ALLOW it!

June 7, 2012

Filed under: Uncategorized — Dental Support Specialties @ 4:22 pm

I have compared the dental practice to a football team before – My husband is the defensive coordinator for a local high school football team – He has been engaged in football for the past 27 years non-stop and some consider him to be one of the top 10 defensive coordinators in North East OH. His passion for football is such a driving force, and he reads the game like none other. Our experience and conversation last night led to the inspiration of this blog.

We all know a great football play is preceded by what?…….Yes, a HUDDLE. Champion dental practices start their days out with a Morning Huddle!! (more…)

Prioritize, Systemize and Maximize!

May 12, 2011

Filed under: Uncategorized — Dental Support Specialties @ 12:48 pm

Priority – Precedence, especially established by order of importance or urgency.

Systemize – Bring order to or into; arrange according to a system.

MaximizeTo increase or make as great as possible.

I’ve written many times about the importance of systems. SOP manuals. Training. Accountability. Responsibility. Job Descriptions and expectations. I also know that these systems and SOP manuals can be a hefty investment but I am here to tell you how they pay off many, many, many times over. (more…)

Things that make you go hmmmm….

May 5, 2011

Filed under: Uncategorized — Dental Support Specialties @ 9:37 pm

You spend thousands of dollars a year in multiple marketing strategies to get patients to call your office right? Websites, internal marketing, brochures, newsletters, care-to –share cards, mugs, pens, social functions, coaching, signs, etc.

You are spending all this money to attract new patients to your office, keep you connected with existing patients, so why wouldn’t you have someone answering your phones at least 40 hours a week? If you don’t have appropriate daily phone coverage, aren’t you just throwing your money out the window?  (I’m not even talking about after hours coverage – I am talking about normal 40 hour a week business availability to your guests) (more…)

One Ringy Dingy…..

April 9, 2011

Filed under: Uncategorized — Dental Support Specialties @ 5:47 pm

Do you have a solid confirmation system in place to help maximize your scheduling opportunities? Whether you use an automated system or old-fashioned personal phone calls, take every step you can to get those confirmations! (more…)

♫ Oh I wish I were an Oscar Meyer Wiener ♫

April 3, 2011

Filed under: Uncategorized — Dental Support Specialties @ 2:26 pm

Remember that song growing up? And the Oscar Meyer Wiener-mobile?? (It actually drove by my house one day growing up!!!! I was jacked for days!!)

Or how about the band-aid song? ♫ I am stuck on band-aids ‘cuz band-aids are stuck on me! ♫  – (remember they used to come in tin containers? and the SMELL???) (more…)

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