Dental Support Specialties

“Chase your passion, not your pension.”

April 16, 2013

Filed under: Uncategorized — Dental Support Specialties @ 1:15 pm

I’m a pretty passionate person about everything in my life. Family, faith, friends, work, trust…. Passion.

If you have ever talked with me, I can get you going and wrapped up in excitement with me. My kids are very familiar with my term WOOT! and know I am even passionate about singing in the car at the top of my lungs, gulp, sometimes to Justin Beiber.

If I trust you, I trust you wholeheartedly and passionately. Unfortunately I can also distrust passionately. That is just me. A bundle of energy and passion. I’ve had a passion for any J.O.B. I have ever had. From making donuts, selling shoes, doing hair, a thumb in greenhouse/flower sales, retail and banking management – I had a passion for every single job. If I was hired in at a lower level, it was always my thought process to learn everything and get to the top. Just how I am wired – I have always been excited to start a new day and see what I can make of it.


What’s it sound like in your office?

April 10, 2013

Filed under: Uncategorized — Dental Support Specialties @ 9:32 pm

A poorly answered phone is almost as bad as an unanswered phone……….. With that being said, just who is answering YOUR phones and HOW are they answering your phone? Do you have someone who is crabby, curt, cranky, quick, and only answers the phone to get it to quit ringing and hang up as fast as they can? No opportunity to build a connection or leave a great impression. Or do you have sunshine welcoming your callers? Soft, friendly, WELCOMING voice, speaking clearly and never seeming to be in a rush? Building a connection from call one – priceless.


When donkeys fly!

March 1, 2013

Filed under: Uncategorized — Dental Support Specialties @ 12:48 am

Eliminate Cancellations? When donkey’s fly and hell freezes over maybe!

To quote one of my favorite dental guru’s, Howard Farran, ( “To eliminate cancellations and fails you might as well pick up the earth and throw it into the sun”.  I LOVE this! Everyone is looking for the magic pill that will cure this ill of dental practices everywhere…………

I hate to be the bearer of bad news, but there is no magic pill, no quick fix, no one system that is ever going to eliminate cancellations and no-shows. None. The only thing you can do takes hard work; Have the best systems in place, follow them consistently and be prepared with a backup should a cancellation or no-show happen!! You know, that never-ending Perpetual State of Preparedness that I always talk about!!

Here are a few things to consider when streamlining your systems to make sure that your practice has everything in line to make the most of the challenging opportunity a hole in the schedule provides:


♫ Time ♫ Why you punish me? Top 10 missed opportunities in your dental practice.

February 5, 2013

Filed under: Uncategorized — Dental Support Specialties @ 12:08 pm

You’re welcome if you now have the Hootie and the Blowfish song stuck in your head. 🙂

Too bad opportunity doesn’t come with an alarm; a buzzing signal to notify us of opportunity directly ahead; pulling us from our harried thoughts and opportunity detractors to enable us to not only focus on the opportunity but to make the most of it. Alas. Life intervenes. Work intervenes. Family intervenes. And yet time goes on. (more…)

“People don’t buy for logical reasons. They buy for emotional reasons.” Zig Ziglar

February 2, 2013

Filed under: Uncategorized — Tags: — Dental Support Specialties @ 9:41 pm

True that, right? All buyers are influenced, good and bad, by emotion.

Emotional connections with your patients can determine the strength, length and profitability of your relationship. Positive emotions build loyalty, trust and referral based growth. Everything that happens in your practice, from answering the phone, to what your restroom looks and smells like, affects patient emotion. Every single thing. (more…)

Check your cheeze-whiz!

January 23, 2013

Filed under: Uncategorized — Dental Support Specialties @ 1:32 pm

That’s right. I said it. Check your cheeze-whiz.

As in cheeze-whiz marketing. This is what I call any generic attempt at marketing or patient education to save a few bucks or time and it always comes out looky CHEESY and well, for lack of better terms, cheap. (more…)

Everyday I’m shufflin’…..

January 15, 2013

Filed under: Uncategorized — Dental Support Specialties @ 12:14 am

Do you feel that way sometimes? Shufflin’ through a spotty schedule and wondering where did Mrs. Smith’s crown appointment go, did anyone follow up on Mr. Jones who was sent out for a root canal 4 months ago and wasn’t it time for Joe Schmoe to be seen here for PM since he alternates with the periodontist?

Notes. Chart notes. Clinical notes. Appointment notes. Who likes taking them? Who likes reading them? Not too many people who I know of. Well, except of course me! (more…)

Work it baby! Work it! 10 Tips to keep your schedule humming!

January 13, 2013

Filed under: Uncategorized — Dental Support Specialties @ 2:03 pm

The schedule that is!

Show me a full dental practice schedule, complete with loaded short call lists and I’ll show you a team who works that schedule EVERY SINGLE DAY of the work week.

They don’t miss working it on Wednesdays, or Fridays or even 1/2 day Thursdays. They may not see patients those times, but they are still actively working the schedule – filling open appointment times, working to pad the short call lists and actively engaging with patients. Are you winging it, or do you have solid systems in place to keep your schedule full? (more…)

Top 14 ways a Dental Virtual Support Specialist will make a difference!

October 27, 2012

Filed under: Uncategorized — Dental Support Specialties @ 1:49 pm

Need support with answering your phones and scheduling appointments? Losing a front desk person? Someone call off sick? Admin team overwhelmed and finding themselves with not enough time to systematically and consistently answer opportunity (calls) and follow the systems needed for a full schedule and maximum results? How about PRN support for special projects like mass-mailing the USE IT OR LOSE IT letters or even chart auditing? (more…)

5 Top reasons to provide 40 hours of phone coverage

October 24, 2012

Filed under: Uncategorized — Dental Support Specialties @ 2:14 pm

In my many blessings of speaking with offices all across the United States, it continues to perplex me as to why so many offices still don’t extend 40 hours of phone availability to their patients. I am not talking an answering service, who in my humble opinion are nothing more than a glorified answering machine – I am talking real availability to your patients to meet any and all of their needs during this time and this includes LUNCH HOUR! I am always amazed at ANY office that sets an answering machine over a lunch hour. Holy cow! Don’t you know that is when working moms make the majority of their appointments??? And how frustrating it is for someone calling your practice to hear “We’re out to lunch for an hour and half, your call will be important to us when we get back” (that IS what they hear you know!) (more…)

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