Dental Support Specialties

2014 Drive For Success Challenge!

August 5, 2014

Filed under: Uncategorized — Dental Support Specialties @ 12:40 pm

“Procrastination is the art of keeping up with yesterday.”

Procrastination is the line that divides the 4% from the 96% of the health care professionals that reach Economic Freedom by the age of 65.  Economic Freedom is the day you have a safe and reliable portfolio that produces your desired standard of living for the rest of your life.  This is the day you go to work because you want to, not because you have to.


The ONLY thing that sets you apart from the rest………..

June 17, 2014

Filed under: Uncategorized — Dental Support Specialties @ 2:15 pm

I’ve got two words for you. CUSTOMER SERVICE. Ok, well, let’s make that three words. EXCEPTIONAL CUSTOMER SERVICE. Just what does “exceptional customer service” look like?

It starts with the phone. Every single phone call should be handled with the highest level of friendliness, warmth, patience and focused on connections. Listen to how your phone is being answered, how callers are being spoke to, and what the end results of the calls are. I’m telling you this – If you have NASTY answering your phone, you are severely crippling your opportunity. If you have BUSY or CLIPPED answering the phone, you are allowing a major roadblock to scheduling opportunity.  Make your telephone customer service SO genuine, warm and friendly, that even if someone doesn’t appoint NOW, they will remember how wonderful you made them feel. BLOW EVERY CALLER OUT OF THE WATER. Every single caller and visitor. You know, the guy who delivers your water? Potential patient. The guy who changes your reception area rugs out weekly? Potential patient. The fireman calling to ask for a donation? Potential patient. Rock that customer service like no one has ever seen.


You mean you are NOT a mind reader?

February 6, 2014

Filed under: Uncategorized — Dental Support Specialties @ 5:45 pm

Communication Breakdown  = Frustration.

Frustration always rears it’s ugly head when there is a lack of communication, or a misunderstanding. Some one heard something wrong – someone said something wrong – in some people’s lives, someone LOOKED at someone wrong.


My name is consistency – Want to hang out?

January 22, 2014

Filed under: Uncategorized — Dental Support Specialties @ 8:05 pm


conformity in the application of something, typically that which is necessary for the sake of logic, accuracy, or fairness.

the achievement of a level of performance that does not vary greatly in quality over time.

Consistency. We’ve all heard about how consistency is key – consistency is crucial – but let me ask. What IS or IS NOT consistent if your office? What would you like to change?

We all KNOW it. We all WANT to be consistent with our systems and efforts. But usually after about 7 days, our attention wanders and we become lackadaisical in our consistency efforts.


New Patient BOO! or New Patient WOO-HOO!

December 12, 2013

Filed under: Uncategorized — Dental Support Specialties @ 2:27 pm

Have you ever gone to a business, prepared to purchase only to be so let down with the low level of customer service that not only did you leave without buying anything but you actually left feeling bad/upset/frustrated/discouraged?  Of course, you might mention your poor experience to a few people in passing………



October 10, 2013

Filed under: Uncategorized — Dental Support Specialties @ 12:52 pm

♫ Is there anybody out there? Just nod if you can hear me………. ♫

Ok. Ok – I got carried away with the Pink Floyd reference……..  Back to reality.

Just what are your patients and potential new patients hearing when they call your office?


Sense of urgency? Anyone?… anyone?…..

October 8, 2013

Filed under: Uncategorized — Dental Support Specialties @ 2:36 pm

“I have been impressed with the urgency of doing. Knowing is not enough; we must apply. Being willing is not enough; we must do.

How many times have you heard someone in your practice say “That’s not my job!” or “I did it last time!! YOU do it this time”? Do you have time clock punchers, or team players?


It might not be a good sign if….

August 19, 2013

Filed under: Uncategorized — Dental Support Specialties @ 3:49 pm

If your phone is answered by a team member who sounds like they hate their job and life (they probably do),  not a good sign. If your team members, and YOU, complain daily about having to go to work, or BE at work, not a good sign. If there is a specific team member that seems to grate on everyone’s nerves, including yours, (they probably do) not a good sign. If your phone is answered by a team member who sounds like they are out of breath,  like Darth Vader, overworked, they ran 2 miles to answer the phone or speak at the speed of sound, not a good sign

More bang for your marketing buck? Read on…….

June 20, 2013

Filed under: Uncategorized — Dental Support Specialties @ 2:52 pm

Websites. Electronic Communication Systems. Direct Mail Marketers. Radio Ads. Newspaper Ads. Social Media Support. Logo memorabilia. Special Events. In house marketing gimmicks and print material. Newsletters. Email blasts.

Marketing isn’t cheap, right?  You spend thousands of your hard earned dollars on marketing, all aimed at driving patients and potential new patients to pick up their phone – call your office, choose YOUR office for their dental home, right? Saying “PICK ME! PICK ME!”

Yet most offices only provide phone availability to their patients an average of 26 hours a week. That equates to 56 normal business hours of opportunity that you miss out on each month. 56 hours!!! You say you are welcoming new patients, but not on Fridays or Wednesdays – you know, when you’re out of the practice…. Or better yet, not during your lunch hours.  (Top 12 reasons your dental chair might be empty, and it’s NOT the economy!)


The fortune, my friends, is in the follow-up.

Filed under: Uncategorized — Dental Support Specialties @ 6:00 am

Follow-up. We know how critical the correct follow-up can be in a dental practice. It can make or break treatment case acceptance. It can make or break a new patient scheduling. It can make or break the positive reviews you want your patients to go out and spread to the world. Lets face it…. It can make or break you.

To ensure that nothing falls in between the cracks, great systems need to be in place for follow-up. Along with the systems, we need to know who is doing what, and by when.

You come in to the office on Monday morning, after being closed on Friday with no phone coverage, to an answering machine full of cancellations, messages and reschedule requests. Although it may seem a bit archaic, phone logs are really a must in every practice. Record who called, when, what they needed and if follow up/appointment scheduled is complete. This log can also be used as another avenue for short calls.


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