Dental Support Specialties

Don’t Hire Someone for Dental Billing – Dental Support Specialties Can do it For You!

July 11, 2017

Filed under: Uncategorized — tntadmin @ 4:58 am

Dental Support Specialties can help you complete your dental billing.Staffing can be the worst nightmare for any business owner, but it’s especially challenging in a dental office. It’s difficult to find employees that care as much about your practice and your patients as you do! When it comes to dental billing and collecting payment from your patients, this is one of the most critical positions in your office. It’s also something you can’t take care of yourself if you are focused on providing exceptional care to your patients. Now you don’t have to worry about dental billing, because Dental Support Specialties can handle it for you!


Need Dental Billing Help? We Simplify the Process

June 7, 2017

Filed under: Uncategorized — Tags: — dentalsupportteam @ 8:05 pm

Streamline your office performance with help for your dental billing.As a dentist, you rely on your office running smoothly to make the most of your time to deliver high-quality care to your patients. To effectively treat them, there are many tasks that your staff must handle each day, including dental billing. This creates a certain challenge because it is very time-consuming but necessary to support your practice. Now, you can remove it from your day-to-day responsibilities to better dedicate your staff’s time and effort elsewhere. Dental Support Specialties will handle your billing so you can focus on what matters the most—your patients.

Your obsession with cost may be costing you.

April 11, 2017

Filed under: Uncategorized — tntadmin @ 7:23 pm

RevenueCost = Profit

The above equation seems so simple right?  But which part of the equation catches your eye?  For many of us, cost is all we see.  We look right past revenue and profit and focus of our attention on the unproductive part of this equation.

I talk with a lot of great people every day about their dental practices and what their business needs in order to grow and improve in their market and I am always taken aback by how many of those same people are afraid to change what they are doing and try a different approach mainly because they are afraid of the cost.

Top 12 reasons why your reception area and treatment chairs might be empty – And it’s NOT the ecomony

November 10, 2016

Filed under: Uncategorized — Dental Support Specialties @ 2:31 pm

1) You have less than stellar, grand, charming, warm, friendly, charismatic, smiling, energetic, enthusiastic, go-getting, appreciative, gracious and aware front desk representation.  I called an office in New York a few weeks back to be greeted with a cold, clipped, nasty “Dental Office”. Really, that is all the lady said. If you have someone without at least some of these qualities being the face/representative of your practice, answering your phones and greeting your patients this might be clue #1 on the empty chair syndrome.  Lets face it, all of your team needs to step up in this area because it is the ONLY thing that separates you from the practice down the street. Your customer service. Do patients feel better walking out of your practice than they did walking in? Do they hang up after calling with a smile? These things MATTER!


Team Player or Team Slayer

March 19, 2016

Filed under: Uncategorized — Dental Support Specialties @ 12:15 pm

When I was in the banking industry, we were forced to watch hours upon hours of Cohen Brown motivational tapes. While we did get many a chuckle from his hair and brightly colored ensembles, something must have sunk in to stay because my BFF Deb and I often bring up certain things that we learned, and obviously liked.


Good just isn’t good enough anymore.

September 2, 2015

Filed under: Uncategorized — Dental Support Specialties @ 5:29 pm

How does your patient care and service stack up? Is it ok? Is it good? Is it GREAT? From answering the phones, to greeting and seating the patients, to checkout and everything in between – Is your care GREAT? If you can’t answer with an enthusiastic YES, then what you are providing just isn’t good enough. “The moment you settle for less than you deserve, is the moment you get less than what you settled for” If you are settling for GOOD, you are missing out on what GREAT could be. Every contact – phone, email, text, in person – has a direct influence on whether or not we will see that patient again. Every. Single. One.


There IS a difference between “answering the phone” and “working the schedule”

July 2, 2015

Filed under: Uncategorized — Dental Support Specialties @ 3:26 pm

Answering the practice phone, just to say you answered the phone is completely pointless unless you are DOING something with those answered calls.

We all know the importance of answering your practice phones. Minimum of 45 hours a week. During the WHOLE day. Every working day of the year, regardless if you are on vacation or not. Why would you stop working the opportunity that keeps knocking on your practice door every day even if you are on vacation? You CAN go on vacation and still reap the benefits of answering the phones and working the schedule.

Even on your “regular” days off of the week, you might be thinking, “Well our patients know we are closed”. Here’s some cold hard stats for you – Last month we scheduled over $277,000 in production for our clients, during regular, normal business hours including “regular” days off of the week. Want to know how we did that? If our clients phones aren’t ringing IN, we are making them ring OUT to work the schedule!


Answering the phones.. It’s just not enough.

February 5, 2015

Filed under: Uncategorized — Dental Support Specialties @ 3:55 pm

Said the busy mom, calling on her lunch hour to schedule her children’s next cleaning appointments, only to receive a long winded VM at the dental practice, not only detailing their business hours of every second/every day but advising that said busy mom chose to call during THEIR lunch hour and to call back in 1 1/2 hours for assistance.  Mom LM asking for a return call. Mom never received callback. She gave them a week. Still heard nothing. Mom called a different practice and scheduled appointments for her whole family of 5.  (Missed NP production of over $1250)


Improve successful scheduling? MAKE A NOTE!

October 2, 2014

Filed under: Uncategorized — Dental Support Specialties @ 2:31 pm

Notes. You can never have too many. You can always have not enough (and most do). Having consistent detailed notes attached to every patient, every appointment, every treatment plan, every broken appointment, every family file and every insurance description will not only make your life easier, it will make the patient happier and actually increase your systems for success. Communication is crucial for any success – personal or business. I can tell you from working in practices across the US, the more details a practice has in ALL areas, the stronger their scheduling success results are. Period.



September 15, 2014

Filed under: Uncategorized — Dental Support Specialties @ 8:44 pm

If your practice isn’t the one to STAND OUT, you will be forced to STEP ASIDE to the practice that is. To a typical patient, a dentist is a dentist, a filling is a filling and a cleaning is a cleaning. What is the one thing that will always set you apart and make you STAND OUT? Unmatched Customer Service.


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