Dental Support Specialties

My Daughter Made Me Do It – Becoming the Remote Dental Support Specialist

April 26, 2019

Filed under: Uncategorized — dentalsupportteam @ 9:00 pm

First, I Worked Front Desk

When I was pregnant with my fourth daughter, Alison, I worked front desk at a dental practice. My husband, Joey, was a high school biology teacher and football coach, who had just started two-a-days training. I was one busy mama. But at the time I never dreamed of remote work for my dentist’s office.


3 Reasons to Follow Up with Patients for Dental Scheduling

April 17, 2019

Filed under: Uncategorized — dentalsupportteam @ 9:19 pm
woman smiling phone

During a consultation, you take time to get to know each patient, understand their needs, and create a personalized treatment plan to achieve their smile goals. But what if they leave your office before scheduling their treatment? After a while, they may forget about doing the treatment at all, meaning that you lost that opportunity for more business. Similarly, cancellations can leave spots open in your schedule. How can you make up for these situations and get these patients through your door? You can have your team follow up with these patients, or you can turn to Dental Support Specialties to help with your dental scheduling. Here are three reasons to take this important step so that these patients don’t fall through the cracks.


Maximize Your Profits with Our Dental Insurance Verification and Collection Services

April 2, 2019

Filed under: Uncategorized — dentalsupportteam @ 10:23 pm
dental insurance form

When you finished dental school, you probably thought your days of feeling confused and overwhelmed were finally over. Then, in private practice, you found the world of dental insurance, a common source of frustration for both dental practices and patients alike. You want your team to run like a well-oiled machine, but they can get bogged down by the insurance hoops they’re forced to jump through. If you and your team don’t have the experience, knowledge, and tools to deal with companies for dental insurance verification and collection, you could be losing money. In this post, learn how you can take advantage of Dental Support Specialties’ billing support services and maximize your profits.


How a Dental Answering Service Helps Patient-Practice Relationships

March 22, 2019

Filed under: Uncategorized — dentalsupportteam @ 11:07 pm
A person dialing a mobile phone.

As a dental practice, your goal is not only to provide the best dental care possible. It’s also to make patients feel welcome when they arrive and prepared once they come back. It’s about making them feel comfortable during every step of their dental appointment. This should include the initial contact to your practice, especially if it’s over the phone. The last thing they should hear is an answering machine with no one to help them.

With the help of a dental answering service, you can take the hassle out of scheduling while still ensuring that your new and existing patients are getting the service they deserve.


How a Dental Answering Service Can Audit Your Patient Base

March 16, 2019

Filed under: Uncategorized — dentalsupportteam @ 6:00 pm
A dentist staring at a monitor.

When you’re running around the office serving patients, the last thing on your mind is taking a look at the data your practice has already collected. However, chart auditing is one of the most commonly overlooked tasks in the dental office, and yet it has some of the most potential when it comes to maximizing your profits.

It’s important to keep in mind that dental answering services are not only focused on answering the phone when you’re not available. Learn how a thorough chart auditing and patient reactivation program can help get your current patients in the practice more consistently!


A Dental Answering Service Should Work With All Dental Practices!

March 6, 2019

Filed under: Uncategorized — dentalsupportteam @ 5:14 pm
A woman speaking on the phone via a headset.

Whether you need help answering the phone or working through insurance claims, managing the ins and outs of your dental practice can be incredibly difficult without the right team. It doesn’t matter if you’re a general dentist, periodontist, prosthodontist, orthodontist, or oral surgeon, a dental answering service can help you manage your administrative workload. At the end of the day, improving your practice’s profitability and giving you the time needed to focus on patients are the two highest priorities to meet.


How Can a Dental Answering Service Improve Your Patients’ Experience?

February 23, 2019

Filed under: Uncategorized — dentalsupportteam @ 8:25 pm
A woman smiling while wearing a headset.

If you’ve been considering a dental answering service in order to reduce administrative duties at your practice, you’ll want to make sure that you’re getting the best bang for your buck. Just because they take calls from patients on your behalf doesn’t mean they aren’t able to improve other aspects of your practice as well.

Those who already work with a dental answering service will want to ask themselves if their company already performs these four functions. If you don’t work with an answering service, there’s no better time than now to speak with one today!


Outsourcing Dental Insurance Verification vs. In-House Verification

February 12, 2019

Filed under: Uncategorized — dentalsupportteam @ 7:32 pm
A group of businesswomen smiling.

If your goal is to make patients feel comfortable and confident about using their insurance benefits at your office, the last thing you want is for unsuspecting fees or charges to appear on their statements. Furthermore, failing to catch errors on medical bills can result in loss in revenue. It’s currently estimated that about $125 billion is lost annually due to poor billing practices.

To make sure that your office’s revenue stream isn’t interrupted, you may want to consider outsourcing dental insurance verification. To learn the differences that in-house and outsourced verifications have to offer, keep reading!


A Dental Answering Service Should Help You Build Relationships!

February 1, 2019

Filed under: Uncategorized — dentalsupportteam @ 5:09 pm
A woman smiling with a group of call center employees.

For far too long, dentistry has become way too clinical and impersonal, making it more difficult than ever to see a dentist comfortably. If there’s one thing that patients hate having to do, it’s be put on hold. The only thing more frustrating than being put on hold is being forced to speak with an automated message when you’d rather speak with a human being.

Instead of losing potential patients due to the tug-of-war with phone calls, consider hiring a dental answering service to manage the workload!


How Dental Billing and More is Made Easy with a Support Team

January 25, 2019

Filed under: Uncategorized — dentalsupportteam @ 10:36 pm
A denture mold holding a $100 bill.

Getting your patients the care they need is essential, but so is getting your office the money it’s owed. Without consistent cash flow, your practice can’t provide the most comprehensive care possible. That’s where a dental support team comes into play. They can manage all the administrative work so you and your team members can focus on the people directly in front of you. Whether it’s dental billing, balance collection calls or something else, a dental support team ensures that you’re getting paid.

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