Dental Support Specialties

Start 2020 Off Right and Get Dental Insurance Support

January 5, 2020

Filed under: Uncategorized — dentalsupportteam @ 9:17 pm
woman smiling confetti

Happy New Year! It’s now 2020, which means that it’s the start of a new decade as well as a new year. You want this next decade to be successful for your practice—maybe you even have set a concrete goal for your practice’s growth that you’d like to see in the coming years. One way you can make sure that your business stays on track is making sure that your patients’ dental insurance bills are being paid. If you’re beginning the new decades with a large and growing aging report, you’re not starting on the right foot. Read on to learn the value of dental insurance support.


4 Reasons We Are the Perfect Employee

December 31, 2019

Filed under: Uncategorized — dentalsupportteam @ 7:29 pm
woman smiling phone

“It’s hard to find good help these days.” There’s a reason why this is a famous saying—it is often true! Finding people for your front-desk dental team who are hardworking, honest, friendly, helpful, knowledgeable, and available can feel like an overwhelming task. But you need this type of person to represent your practice when people call. Where can you find the perfect employee for this responsibility? Well, you can rely on Dental Support Specialties to serve as your dental answering service.


Why Dental Insurance Verification Is So Important for Your Practice

December 19, 2019

Filed under: Uncategorized — dentalsupportteam @ 8:07 pm
dental insurance form

Imagine you’re a patient who needs to have a dental crown placed. Your dentist has laid out the treatment plan, and you’re confident moving forward with treatment. But a few weeks afterward, you receive a bill you weren’t expecting in the mail. The practice’s team already collected your out-of-pocket payment, but now you owe more than you anticipated. How do you feel? Do you want to go back to that practice in the future?

Unfortunately, this common scenario occurs when team members don’t take the necessary steps to properly verify insurance. But this process is time consuming and tedious, making it a difficult task for support staff to accomplish quickly. Well, Dental Support Specialties has the solution—give dental insurance verification to us!


3 Reasons to Use a Dental Answering Service That Can Schedule Appointments

December 7, 2019

Filed under: Uncategorized — dentalsupportteam @ 8:01 pm
teeth calendar

As you and your staff finish an appointment, you take a look at your watch. It’s lunchtime! You hear your team members chat about where they want to go for lunch, and they transition the phones to an answering service. Basically, if a patient calls while everyone is out, their call will forward to a company that can take messages. When your team gets back, they can reach out to the patients who left a message while they were out. But did you know that this method can cause you to lose money? Instead, you should use a dental answering service that can work with your schedule and set up appointments for patients who call in while your staff is unavailable.


Need Help with Dental Billing? Get Insurance Payments Faster!

November 30, 2019

Filed under: Uncategorized — dentalsupportteam @ 8:45 pm
dental insurance form

More often these days, people are getting dental insurance benefits at work, you have experienced more patients wanting to use them at your practice. In theory, accepting insurance makes your dental services more affordable and accessible for more patients, which means that they should have more frequent visits to your practice. Ideally, you should be receiving additional business and profit. However, working with insurance through the dental billing process can be cumbersome and time consuming to say the least. In this blog post, you’ll learn more about dealing with dental insurance and how Dental Support Specialties can help make sure you’re paid on time.


The Value of Chart Auditing to Your Practice’s Success

November 21, 2019

Filed under: Uncategorized — dentalsupportteam @ 8:38 pm
dental records

Can you believe that 2019 is almost over? As the new year approaches, people tend to look back at the previous year to see if they were able to achieve their goals, to find areas where they can improve in the year to come. But this reflection and goal setting doesn’t have to just apply to your personal life. You can also look back at how your practice has performed in 2019 and benefit from chart auditing. In this post, you’ll learn more about this service and how Dental Support Specialties can help your practice continue to grow in the future.


More Than a Dental Answering Service: 4 Advantages of Dental Support Specialties

November 16, 2019

Filed under: Uncategorized — dentalsupportteam @ 8:33 pm
woman smiling headset

Especially with the holidays coming up, you have team members at your practice who will be taking time off. You’re happy to let your hardworking employees enjoy time with their families, but their absence means that no one will be available answering the phones during stretches of time. Although you could use a run-of-the-mill dental answering service to do the bare minimum, Dental Support Specialties goes well above and beyond the norm and actually helps your practice succeed while your team is otherwise occupied. Keep reading to learn four advantages to choosing Dental Support Specialties!


Why You Should Prioritize Data Tracking and Patient Reactivation in 2020

October 30, 2019

Filed under: Uncategorized — dentalsupportteam @ 8:12 pm
teeth chart

The holiday season is fast approaching. Before you know it, 2019 will be over and 2020 will begin, which means that now is a great time to reflect on how well your practice is performing and how it can improve. However, an accurate evaluation of your practice’s success can be difficult without the hard facts.

If you use any sort of modern software on a daily basis in your dental office, then chances are exceptionally high that you have tons of data already gathered from throughout the year. You just need to know how to organize and analyze it and then use it to make your practice better. Luckily, Dental Support Specialties offers a helping hand with patient reactivation and chart auditing to ease your team’s already full workload. In this post, you’ll learn more about this service and how it can benefit your practice.


Keep Your Practice on Track with Dental Scheduling This Holiday Season

October 18, 2019

Filed under: Uncategorized — dentalsupportteam @ 8:05 pm
woman phone answering service

The holiday season is almost here! You know what that means—busy schedules filled with shopping and fun get-togethers with family and friends. Maybe you even plan on taking time away to travel with your loved ones. But while you and your team members are out of the office, are you going to miss phone calls from patients trying to schedule appointments? Could you be losing opportunities to add to your practice’s bottom line? Although you and your team members certainly deserve to take some time off from work, your communication with your patients shouldn’t suffer. Dental Support Specialties can offer dental scheduling that never takes vacation, helping you keep your practice busy and thriving.


3 Reasons to Outsource Dental Verification This Holiday Season

October 8, 2019

Filed under: Uncategorized — dentalsupportteam @ 7:58 pm
woman smiling dental office

It’s almost the most wonderful time of the year! The holidays are right around the corner, bringing with them a fuller schedule, not just for get-togethers with family and friends but for appointments at your practice as well. Many patients realize that their dental insurance benefits reset by the end of the year, so they fit in their second covered dental visit while they can. However, your practice can become overwhelmed trying to deal with this overload of insurance claims to process around this already busy time of year. Luckily, Dental Support Specialties offers much-needed backup for time-consuming dental insurance tasks. Read on to learn why you should outsource dental verification this holiday season.

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