Dental Support Specialties

Understaffed? Overwhelmed? We’ll Answer the Call

July 28, 2020

Filed under: Uncategorized — dentalsupportteam @ 6:29 pm
receptionist dealing with dental scheduling and holding multiple phones

The signs are unmistakable: the phone rings incessantly, your front desk team looks ragged and overwhelmed, and the office culture suffers. Perhaps your practice has been flooded with calls from patients who need to get back on track after missing their appointment in the chaos of COVID-19. Maybe you lost an employee or two who were concerned about their health. Regardless of the circumstances, your staff needs backup to manage your dental scheduling and other front desk responsibilities. In this post, you’ll learn about how Dental Support Specialties can lend a helping hand and keep your practice running smoothly.


4 Services We Offer Specialty Practices

July 23, 2020

Filed under: Uncategorized — dentalsupportteam @ 6:36 pm
oral surgeon working

At Dental Support Specialties, we pride ourselves in the quality of service we provide our diverse clients. While many of the practices we support are general practices, we’re more than just a one-trick pony. Unlike at “normal” dental practices, our team has the experience and expertise to work with periodontist practices and oral surgery practices as well. Each comes with a unique set of challenges, but we’re familiar with these issues and know how to tackle them. In fact, here are four basic services we can do for your specialty practice.


Increase Your Productivity with Chart Auditing

July 13, 2020

Filed under: Uncategorized — dentalsupportteam @ 6:28 pm
charts for dental answering service

Software is amazing these days. In dentistry, keeping track of patients has never been easier. With many programs out there, you can get all kinds of information and perform many tasks—more than just count the number of patients you have. But are you using the software to its fullest potential? One area where many practices fall short is determining active patients and seeking those who haven’t started treatment. In this blog post, you’ll learn the value of this information and how to maximize it to your benefit with a dental answering service.


Show Me the Money! Ways We Can Get You What You’re Owed

June 29, 2020

Filed under: Uncategorized — dentalsupportteam @ 4:11 pm
instruments with money for dental billing

You’re pouring over your practice’s finances, as you do on a regular basis. Although you’ve treated several big cases lately, you aren’t seeing the kind of profit and growth you think you should. Then you realize that you have many unpaid insurance claims and patient bills.

It may be tempting to consider your aging report and uncollected fees as good as money in the bank, but they’re not! Until you get your dental billing under control and consistently get paid when you’re supposed to, your practice cannot thrive or succeed. That doesn’t mean your front desk team has do everything on their own. At Dental Support Specialties, we can help you collect what you’re owed in a timely manner, helping you reach your goals for your practice.


Hello? Why You Need Our Friendly Dental Answering Service

June 21, 2020

Filed under: Uncategorized — dentalsupportteam @ 8:59 pm
man smiling and talking with dental answering service

You need to make an appointment with your doctor, and you prefer to schedule it over the phone rather than online. As you call their office, expecting to have your needs met, instead of talking to a real person, you have to leave a message with a machine and wait to be contacted later. You hang up the phone unimpressed and frustrated by your interaction—or lack thereof—with the practice.

If you rely on an automated answering service at your dental practice, this is exactly how it can feel for your patients as they attempt to contact you. A smarter alternative is to turn to us at Dental Support Specialties for your dental answering service so that your valued patients can interact with a friendly team member and build a trusting relationship that lasts for years to come.


Why Patient Recall Is Essential After the Pandemic

June 13, 2020

Filed under: Uncategorized — dentalsupportteam @ 4:06 pm
smiling woman talking on phone with scheduling support

With the rest of the world, you waited at home during the pandemic for permission to reopen your practice. Like many out there, you’re feeling the economic pinch from being closed for several months, but now you have the chance to make up for lost time! But where do you start to recuperate? A great place to begin is with patient recall. In this post, you’ll learn how you can get patients back into your office and set your practice up for success in the coming months with scheduling support.


Much More Than a Calling Center

May 30, 2020

Filed under: Uncategorized — dentalsupportteam @ 7:25 pm
woman smiling at dental answering service

If you’ve ever worked with a call center, you know how annoying the experience can be. Even when you’re talking to a real person, they may or may not be able to help, and it can feel like you might as well be leaving your name and number with an impersonal machine. Dental Support Specialties goes beyond just providing a warm body to put on the phone with your patients. We can do much more than that! Read on to learn how our dental answering service can make a difference for your practice.


4 Traits of the Perfect Employee

May 19, 2020

Filed under: Uncategorized — dentalsupportteam @ 7:21 pm
smiling woman working at a dental answering service

As a small business owner, you are familiar with the hiring process, unfortunately. Even when you have high hopes for a new employee, and they’re a good fit for your practice, no one is perfect, right? Think again! It isn’t practical to expect perfection out of an individual, but there is a way for you to enjoy all the perks. Dental Support Specialties has an entire team of experienced dental office experts, all devoted to the success of your practice through effective dental answering services.


How Dental Insurance Verification Can Make a Huge Difference for You

May 6, 2020

Filed under: Uncategorized — dentalsupportteam @ 7:16 pm
money, dental tools, and dental insurance verification

At every opportunity, you try to make a positive impression with your patients and build trust. Your team greets them warmly when they arrive, everyone is friendly and kind, and you listen carefully to their needs before recommending treatment. Even with all these efforts, one thing can come along and shatter whatever good feelings you’ve carefully created—surprise fees. In this post, you’ll learn how dental insurance verification with Dental Support Specialties can help you stay in patients’ good graces for the long term.


Help with Dental Scheduling During COVID-19

April 30, 2020

Filed under: Uncategorized — dentalsupportteam @ 8:25 pm
calendar for dental scheduling

Over the last couple of weeks, practices and businesses have temporarily closed their doors because of the threat of COVID-19. However, unlike many stores or offices, your practice needs to still be available to help with dental emergencies. That means you must remain accessible to your patients for dental scheduling even though your team isn’t in the office. Fortunately, Dental Support Specialties is already set up to help your practice remotely, protecting everyone involved and allowing everyone to stay safe during these uncertain times.

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