Dental Support Specialties

Not All the Same: How Our Dental Answering Service Stands Out

September 3, 2021

Filed under: Uncategorized — dentalsupportteam @ 6:32 pm
glowing balloon standing out and showing different dental answering service

Basically anyone can answer a phone. It doesn’t take much to do the bare-bones minimum of saying hello, taking a message, and hanging up, which is what most dental answering service companies do. You may think all dental answering services are the same; however, Dental Support Specialties takes your incoming calls differently. How are we unique? Why is it important to have a skilled expert answer incoming calls? Read on to find out!


3 Simple Tips to Keep Your Schedule Full

August 31, 2021

Filed under: Uncategorized — dentalsupportteam @ 8:32 pm
empty calendar needing dental scheduling

You can hear a pin drop. Your practice is empty again, just waiting for the next scheduled patient to come. A gap now and then isn’t the end of the world, but they are lost opportunities to bring in additional revenue. But did you know that you don’t have to attract new patients in order to increase your productivity? Here are three tips for maximizing your current patient scheduling and keeping your schedule full.


How to Approach Following Up with Patients

August 18, 2021

Filed under: Uncategorized — dentalsupportteam @ 8:30 pm
notebook with follow up written in it

You don’t understand it—for the number of patients you have on record, your practice should be making more revenue. Sure, you could invest more time and money in trying to bring in new patients, but you already have a pretty decent list of patients to work with. What’s the answer to help your practice succeed and have more rewarding scheduling? Following up with the patients who have cancelled appointments and have treatment plans still needing to be completed. Keep reading the post below to learn how to follow up with these patients and maximize your existing patient base.


Dental Insurance Verification: The Key to Getting Paid On Time

August 5, 2021

Filed under: Uncategorized — dentalsupportteam @ 8:27 pm
dentist holding a piggy bank getting help with dental insurance verification

In a perfect world, your practice would get paid immediately after a patient has undergone treatment and you finished filing insurance claims. There would be little or no delay in receiving payment through dental insurance, and you would be completely up-to-date in your practice’s income. We don’t live in a perfect world; however, that doesn’t mean you’re forced to deal with late payments from insurance. The solution? Dental insurance verification. Read on to learn how this one tip can save you time and money.


The 3 Types of Practices We Serve

July 28, 2021

Filed under: Uncategorized — dentalsupportteam @ 7:08 pm
multiple dentists talking together

Over the years, you’ve worked hard, undergone years of training and clinical experience to get where you are today. Don’t you wish you could have a support staff with expertise in your field of dentistry too? With Dental Support Specialties, you can! In addition to general practices, we also assist periodontal offices and oral surgery practices. Read on to learn how we can help each type of practice succeed.


Struggles of Dental Staffing and How We Fix Them

July 15, 2021

Filed under: Uncategorized — dentalsupportteam @ 7:19 pm
help wanted sign for dental staffing

“Good help is hard to find.” You’ve heard the old saying before, but it has never been more applicable than in the last several months. As the economy picks back up, and businesses have reopened, it seems that every company is hiring and desperate for more workers. Although some blame generous unemployment benefits, there may be other factors at play. In the dental field in particular, some practices are struggling to find employees to handle the background administrative work. Fortunately, we have the solution! Here are two major problems with dental staffing and how Dental Support Specialties can meet your needs.


Chart Auditing: Find and Bring Back Inactive Patients

July 2, 2021

Filed under: Uncategorized — dentalsupportteam @ 7:12 pm
stack of printed files for chart auditing

You don’t understand it. Your dental practice should be bringing in more revenue than you are. How can your business perform this inefficiently when you have so many patients already in your system? Do you really need to spend more time and effort acquiring new patients? At first glance, these numbers can be deceiving. The real numbers you need to consider are the inactive patients and those who need to complete a treatment plan. In this blog post, you’ll learn why you need to know these numbers and how Dental Support Specialties can help your practice maximize your management software through chart auditing.


5 Ways We Get You Paid On Time

June 29, 2021

Filed under: Uncategorized — dentalsupportteam @ 8:02 pm
teeth and money for dental billing

When you go to a store, you pay for the items you purchase right away. Don’t you wish that payments coming to your dental practice could be that simple? While Dental Support Specialties can’t get you instant payments, our dental billing support can help you receive your money on schedule. Having this money available can help you grow your practice and make wise business decisions. Check out these five ways we make sure your practice is paid on time!


Stop Spending Money on Marketing and Get More Conversions

June 17, 2021

Filed under: Uncategorized — dentalsupportteam @ 7:59 pm
graph indicating better conversion with a dental answering service

You’ve spent months redesigning your website, investing in Google ads, and trying other marketing strategies. During a meeting with your marketing company, you get some concerning results. You aren’t seeing the progress in revenue that you thought you would. Could you need to spend even more in marketing?

Perhaps the problem has nothing to do with how much you’re putting into marketing—it could be that your practice isn’t converting the leads it’s getting from your marketing efforts. Instead of piling more money into more strategies, your time, effort, and resources could be better spent making sure that you’re taking advantage of the leads you already have with a dental answering service.


Relationships: How We Help You Connect with Your Patients

June 4, 2021

Filed under: Uncategorized — dentalsupportteam @ 7:57 pm
happy patient talking with the dentist after using dental answering service

As a dental administrative service company, we at Dental Support Specialties pride ourselves on our expertise and knowledge in the field. We are experienced with inner workings of dental insurance and chart auditing, as well as many other functions that help make practices successful. At first, you might think that our top priority would be efficiency, but one of our primary concerns is the relationship between your team and your patients. Why is this important? How do we help in this area? Read on to find out!

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