Oops! Unethical Dental Billing Practices and How to Avoid Them

September 16, 2024

Filed under: Uncategorized — dentalsupportteam @ 2:59 pm
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Everyone makes mistakes; however, some mistakes are more egregious and costly than others. Although putting in the wrong code for a dental insurance claim, for example, may seem like an innocent error, it can be considered unethical and even illegal!

Keep reading to learn more about unethical billing practices, why they matter, and how you can avoid them at your dental practice.

What Are Some Unethical Billing Practices?

Many unethical billing practices come from the two most common mistakes: coding errors and clinical record inaccuracies. The billing code and accompanying clinical records must be full and correct, because these determine how much insurance companies should pay your practice. Errors in these areas can lead to excessive payment or approval for services not covered, which qualifies as fraud and can come with a long, arduous process to sort out the problem.

What Are the Consequences of Unethical Billing Practices?

Whether intentional or not, improper billing practices can lead to many detrimental results for your and your practice. First of all, you could face legal repercussions, fines, loss of your accreditation, and even jail time due to fraud, depending on the situation. However, even if you manage to escape legal trouble, you can seriously damage your reputation in the community and harm the trust that your patients have in you.

If you have discrepancies or mistakes in your billing and need to correct them with your patients, they can become frustrated with and lose faith in your team and practice, turning to another provider in the future. Trust and your reputation are essential for both bringing in new patients and keeping them long term. Without a healthy influx of new patients and retention, your practice will undoubtedly struggle!

Not having sufficient or accurate clinical records with your patients’ claims can postpone payment you are due from insurance companies, which can negatively impact your practice’s financial success. How can you pay your staff and other expenses if you don’t have revenue coming in on time?

What Are Proper Billing Practices?

To avoid making these mistakes and facing these consequences, you should clearly make sure that you and your team are trained in the appropriate coding and documentation. Communication with the insurance company needs to be clear and open, meaning that no corners can be cut when it comes to verification and following up with claims.

As an alternative to placing this responsibility on your own team members, you could outsource billing to seasoned experts who know the ins and outs of dealing with insurance companies and can make sure everything is correct when filing claims.

In the end, you may not eliminate all mistakes, but you can reduce and minimize them and steer clear of obvious fraud and unethical practices to protect your practice from devastating consequences. By following best billing practices, you can preserve your patients’ trust and thrive.

About Dental Support Specialties

At Dental Support Specialties, we take your business and patients’ trust seriously. We are fully HIPAA compliant, can work directly in your software with little to no training, and are experts in coding and billing best practices. We have years of experience working with dental insurance companies and know the required information to get you paid the amount you’re owed on schedule. To learn more about our billing services, contact us online here.

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