Hello? 2 Strong Reasons Phone Answering Services Are Still Necessary

July 3, 2024

Filed under: Uncategorized — dentalsupportteam @ 8:37 pm
person in a sweater holding a phone

In this digital age, texting and emailing seem to have become the preferred method of communication. In fact, a recent study conducted in Australia estimated that 90 percent of Gen Zers are uncomfortable talking on the phone. However, when it comes to healthcare and dental care, communication can more complex and require “old school” phone calls. But do dental practices really still need phone answering services?

The answer is a strong yes! Offices have enough calls coming in to justify answering services over using a machine. Need more reassurance that this service is necessary? Here are two important reasons!

Sometimes Humans Are More Efficient Than Machines.

For straightforward scheduling, such as a routine checkup for an existing patient, online tools can work great! Those who prefer not to talk to a person directly are able to quickly and conveniently book their appointment without uttering a word.

In many other situations, however, technology can actually slow down the process. When a patient has a dental emergency or is new to the practice, speaking with a knowledgeable professional can provide the most efficient—and least frustrating—way to get the task done.

Although AI and technology have made leaps and bounds to understand human needs, sometimes, it is much easier and faster to talk to a person. Instead of pushing buttons or trying to summarize your needs to a machine, you can communicate potentially sensitive information instantly with a person and hang up in just a couple of minutes.

Some People Prefer Working with People.

As convenient and advanced as technology has become, some people simply enjoy human interaction over dealing with a series of automated messages. Plus, many feel that truly excellent customer service is accomplished through people, not machines. A friendly voice on the phone can be calming and reassuring as well as helpful, putting your patients in a better mood and getting them more excited about their visit.

In addition, this call can serve as a powerful and important first impression of your practice. What kind of message does it send to your patient if they must go through several steps with a machine to get help? It can feel as though you are less accessible or available. Also, you don’t want your patients to feel frustrated with your practice before they even have a chance to sit in the chair! On the other hand, if callers reach a human soon, they can get the impression that you will be there for them and are reliable.

Ultimately, although many people would prefer to text or email for most of their communication, the human touch in phone calls is still necessary. As a result, it is worth investing in answering services for your dental practice to provide top quality care for your patients.

About Dental Support Specialties

Dental Support Specialties was founded in 2008 and has clients throughout the country with remote administrative support. In addition to dental answering services, we also offer chart auditing, billing and insurance claims, and other projects. To schedule a consultation to assess your support needs, contact us online here or call 330-236-0570. We can meet with you and discuss ways we can help your practice thrive.

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