Imagine calling a dentist’s office to schedule an appointment. A nice voice greets you on the other end of the line, but as soon as you tell them what you want, they say you’ll have to leave a message. How long will it take them to contact you back? Are you going to wait for a call, or will you move on to the next practice that can schedule an appointment? Especially if you need immediate help, you probably are taking your business somewhere else.
This frustrating scenario happens all too often when practices use a dental answering service that only takes messages. Dental Support Specialties is different. We can actually work within your software to schedule appointments. Read on to learn how this system can help your practice thrive.
Why Messages Don’t Work
When you hear the prompt to leave a message, do you hang up right away? You’re not alone. NPR reports that fewer callers leave messages than ever before. Leaving a message itself takes time, and then the caller has to wait for an indeterminate amount of time to be contacted. For many, especially Millennials, it’s just not worth the effort.
As a small business owner, you know that you need to capitalize on each opportunity to bring in revenue. When your patients aren’t able to accomplish what they called for, you stand a real chance of losing their business.
How We Do Things Differently
Although talking to a person may seem preferrable to leaving a message with a machine, typical answering centers aren’t much better than an automated system. Unlike companies that answer the phone and jot down a message for your front desk staff, Dental Support Specialties works within your practice’s software and can schedule actual appointments on your calendar. Your patients get to hang up knowing they’ve been helped by a competent professional.
How Your Practice Wins
When a patient leaves a message and isn’t able to schedule an appointment when they would like to, it communicates that your practice isn’t there for them. In other words, your practice doesn’t meet their needs. Working with Dental Support Specialties for dental scheduling support can have the opposite effect. Working with a friendly team member who schedules their appointment can start your trusting relationship on the right foot.
Going the extra mile and choosing an answering service that can make appointments helps you maximize your chances of gaining revenue for your practice. It also provides priceless rapport with patients that can keep them coming back for many more years to come.
About Dental Support Specialties
For over a decade, Dental Support Specialties has assisted dental practices with remote administrative services. Not only are we able to answer incoming phone calls, but we also can input appointment into your schedule so no patients fall through the cracks. In addition, we offer insurance verification, chart auditing, and follow up calls, enabling your front desk team to dedicate themselves to in-office customer service. To work with Dental Support Specialties, contact us through our website!