Who Doesn’t Need Outsourcing for Dental Billing? When It’s Not a Good Idea

February 13, 2025

Filed under: Uncategorized — dentalsupportteam @ 3:46 pm
happy dental team talking in a dental chair

Two dental offices can offer similar services and be located in the same area but have completely different practices in terms of culture and success. A business strategy that works for one may not benefit the other. Outsourcing dental billing is an effective, smart idea for many dental practices but not all. Who might not need this service? Keep reading to find out!


4 Reasons Outsourcing Dental Billing Is Worth the Cost!

February 3, 2025

Filed under: Uncategorized — dentalsupportteam @ 2:31 pm
dental office calculating cost with paperwork on the desk

Back when you decided to become a dentist, you probably felt proud and excited about building your own practice, but the pressures of opening and running a small business are extremely real. In fact, according to the Chamber of Commerce, 595,000 businesses close every year in the United States, and about 65 percent of businesses fail even 10 years after opening! Obviously, every penny matters to stay afloat.

Although outsourcing your dental billing may not be at the top of your list of methods to improve your practice’s efficiency, perhaps it should be! Worries about the cost may make you hesitate, but rates usually depend on how much revenue you collect from insurance monthly. With the following benefits of outsourcing dental billing, you’re bound to find it’s well worth the cost!
