How Outsourcing Dental Billing Could Improve Your Practice’s Finances

July 29, 2024

Filed under: Uncategorized — dentalsupportteam @ 8:43 pm
tooth model with $100 bills in the background

Your dental practice stays busy on a day-to-day basis. You have a steady influx of new patients, and your current patients seem happy, but your revenue doesn’t seem to reflect this apparent success. When your office manager recommends outsourcing dental billing, you wonder whether it would be beneficial for you. It’s definitely something you should consider! Why? Check out these reasons!


Back to Basics: 6 Steps to Answering Dental Phone Calls

July 16, 2024

Filed under: Uncategorized — dentalsupportteam @ 8:40 pm
woman working on the computer and talking on the phone

Talking on the phone can be anxiety-inducing for many people. In fact, about 90 percent of Gen Z-aged people are uncomfortable with speaking on phone calls. They much prefer texting or emailing for communication. But as a dental professional who takes phone calls, you need to know how to handle this situation. Here are the steps to a successful call!


Hello? 2 Strong Reasons Phone Answering Services Are Still Necessary

July 3, 2024

Filed under: Uncategorized — dentalsupportteam @ 8:37 pm
person in a sweater holding a phone

In this digital age, texting and emailing seem to have become the preferred method of communication. In fact, a recent study conducted in Australia estimated that 90 percent of Gen Zers are uncomfortable talking on the phone. However, when it comes to healthcare and dental care, communication can more complex and require “old school” phone calls. But do dental practices really still need phone answering services?

The answer is a strong yes! Offices have enough calls coming in to justify answering services over using a machine. Need more reassurance that this service is necessary? Here are two important reasons!
