Imagine calling your doctor to schedule an appointment. You don’t get an answering machine, which is a relief, but when the person on the other end answers, they explain that they need to take a message and call you back another time to book the visit. You hang up without setting an appointment like you were hoping to do.
If you are using a common dental answering service, patients could fall through the cracks and be lost, which costs you patient loyalty and revenue. In this post, you’ll learn how not being able to schedule appointments could be detrimental to your practice and how Dental Support Specialties can make all the difference.
Potential Patients Can Feel Frustrated
You only get one chance to make a first impression. Do you really want a patient’s first encounter with your practice to be leaving a message? What kind of impression does that leave? In addition to feeling irritated about not being able to schedule an appointment and having to leave a message, patients can feel as if you’re not accessible, as if you’re not there to help them when they need it. This obviously isn’t a great way to start a trusting relationship. Even existing patients can be turned off by this kind of experience. They could decide to go somewhere else where they feel their needs will be met.
With Dental Support Specialties, we don’t just take incoming calls. We can actually put patients on the schedule. When they hang up, they can have a more positive impressions of your practice and feel more confident that you’ll be a reliable resource to turn to for oral healthcare needs.
Potential Patients May Not Wait for a Call Back
Even if the patient leaves a message about wanting an appointment, it doesn’t necessarily mean that they are going to sit around waiting for your practice to call them back. They may move on and try to contact another practice, especially if they are experiencing a dental emergency. By the time your staff can get in touch with them, they could already have made an appointment elsewhere, meaning your practice has lost an opportunity to bring in that revenue.
If you want to take advantage of every call to your practice, you need more than an answering service. You need someone who can use your schedule and book appointments. That’s exactly what Dental Support Specialties does!
Ultimately, you are trying to bring in more patients and keep the ones you already have happy, and always being able to schedule visits when they call can play a role in conversions. Dental Support Specialties isn’t your run-of-the-mill answering service. We can get callers on the calendar and turn them into patients, which in turn, helps your bottom line.
About Dental Support Specialties
For more than a decade, Dental Support Specialties has provided assistance with administrative issues for dental practices, including answering incoming phone calls. Unlike other companies, we can work within your scheduling software and book appointments. We also offer billing services and chart auditing. If you would like to know more about our services, reach out to our team online here or call 330-639-1333.