Although it may feel early to be thinking and planning for the holidays, it’s actually the right time to start looking ahead. You love the holidays, and you want your team to enjoy themselves with their loved ones. But who will be answering incoming phone calls while everyone’s out? During the holiday vacation, your patients may want to take advantage of their extra time to call your office and schedule appointments. If no one is there to answer, these patients won’t be able to get dental work in the calendar.
Perhaps you think turning the answering machine on will suffice, or maybe you have an answering service taking messages for you. At first glance, this kind of solution may seem to resolve the problem, but it doesn’t. Here’s the truth about most dental answering services and how Dental Support Specialties is different from the rest.
Taking Messages Isn’t Enough
Many answering services can easily take down messages and give them to you, but then your front desk staff is stuck with a mountain of calls to return when they come back to the office—on top of their normal workload. This only adds to the stress of coming back to work after taking time off, which is unfair and could create a toxic work environment.
In addition, by the time your staff returns phone calls, your potential patients could have moved on to another dental office, which means you’ve lost an opportunity to make money. Even if there is a real person taking the message, this mode of communication could cost your business revenue and patient loyalty.
Let Dental Support Specialties Answer Holiday Calls
Instead of simply taking messages and passing them on to your staff, Dental Support Specialties can actually answer your phone calls with a capable person. Our team consists of highly experienced and friendly dental professionals, who can work in your scheduling software and set appointments. Not only can this help your schedule stay full and productive, but it leaves your patients feeling well cared for even before they come to your practice.
In other words, when your team returns after the holidays, they can be recharged and have an easier time getting back into the flow. Plus, your schedule can be more productive because appointments have been filled even while your team was out on vacation.
Right now, you may still be seeing Halloween decorations out, but it’s not too early to plan for the busy holiday season. Trust Dental Support Specialties to step in when your front desk team takes time off. Your staff members, and your bottom line, will thank you later.
About Dental Support Specialties
Dental Support Specialties has been providing remote support for dental practices since 2008. We don’t merely answer the phone and take messages; we are experienced in basically all scheduling software and can set appointments. Although these services are available year-round, they become particularly important during the holiday season when most office staff members are on vacation. Could you benefit from working with Dental Support Specialties? Contact us today to see what we can do for your practice!