In a perfect world, your practice would get paid immediately after a patient has undergone treatment and you finished filing insurance claims. There would be little or no delay in receiving payment through dental insurance, and you would be completely up-to-date in your practice’s income. We don’t live in a perfect world; however, that doesn’t mean you’re forced to deal with late payments from insurance. The solution? Dental insurance verification. Read on to learn how this one tip can save you time and money.
Why Is Dental Insurance Verification Important?
Although it would make sense to wait until the patient is in your office receiving the treatment, your team should verify insurance benefits beforehand. Your patient could have changed jobs or they could have been dropped from coverage or their employer could have switched to another insurance company. Doing the prework before they come in for their appointment ensures that you have all the correct information and can process the insurance claims as efficiently as possible.
When Should You Verify Insurance Benefits?
While many cases require very little effort in verifying, others may entail more work. That’s why we recommend verifying insurance a week before the scheduled appointment. During this time, if an issue comes up, you have plenty of time to contact the patient, get the correct information, and make sure everything is lined up neatly for the visit. That way, when they come for treatment, you can expect fewer complications or roadblocks to getting paid on time.
Why Should You Entrust Dental Support Specialties to Handle Insurance Verification?
The simple answer is that we can make life easier at your practice! Between answering phone calls, collecting and filing paperwork, and greeting patients, your front desk team likely has a lot to manage. Talking to insurance companies can take up so much time and be a frustrating experience. It can be difficult to shake off that frustration in order to welcome patients who are coming into the office with a happy, friendly attitude.
Let us handle these tedious phone calls with dental insurance companies. We’ll make sure your patients’ information is all set so you can easily file claims, and we’ll free your front desk team to focus on creating a cheerful place for patients to visit.
Insurance verification may not be enough to make life perfect in your practice, but it can go a long way to get you the money you’re owed sooner. Plus, your team may be much happier! When you partner with Dental Support Specialties, you’re sure to see your bottom line improve.
About Dental Support Specialties
Since 2008, Dental Support Specialties has been the go-to company for remote administrative services for dental practices. In addition to dental insurance verification, we also offer answering and scheduling services, chart auditing, and more. Would you like to see how our team can help yours? Contact us through our website or by calling 330-639-1333 today!