Do you wish you could read your patients’ thoughts? Wouldn’t it be nice to know what they like or dislike about their experience with your practice? Every now and then, it can be beneficial to put yourself in your patients’ shoes and imagine what they’re thinking. By doing this exercise, you can get an idea of ways you can improve.
Put yourself in their position as they call your practice to make an appointment. Dental scheduling should be quick and easy, but it’s lunch hour. This means having to leave a message with an answering service and getting called about it later. In case you don’t know, we’ve shared what your patients are thinking at this point and how Dental Support Specialties can help!
This Is Not Much Better Than a Machine.
Although callers may feel relief initially to be talking to a real person rather than an automated system, if they have to leave a message, it can be just as frustrating. They may wonder why the person on the other end of the line can’t schedule an appointment, leading them to question the competency of the dental team as a whole.
At Dental Support Specialties, we provide not only a flesh-and-blood person to answer the phone but also an experienced dental professional who can work within your scheduling software. As a result, your patients can get what they need, and your team doesn’t have to catch up later on.
They’re Not There for Me.
Especially if you offer emergency care, it’s important for your patients to feel like your office is a resource they can trust when they need you. However, it can be difficult to convey your dedication if you ask them to leave a message and wait for your team to get back to them.
With Dental Support Specialties, an extension of your team is always there to help your patients in need. We can get them scheduled right away while being friendly and helpful, letting them know that your office cares about them.
I Don’t Have Time for This.
Practically everyone is busy and has important things to do. When patients take time away from their hectic schedules to give your practice a call, you need to make the most of it. They called with a purpose right then to make an appointment; they don’t want to be interrupted later while they’re doing something else to address scheduling a visit.
Your office should be available to meet your patients’ needs when it’s convenient for them, but your staff may not always be able to handle this workload. Dental Support Specialties can cover incoming calls while your team is out on vacation, out to lunch, or just swamped with other work. That way, your schedule can continue filling up even if your staff members aren’t available.
Unfortunately, if callers who intended to make an appointment hang up without achieving that goal, they may decide to try meeting their needs elsewhere. As a result, you must capitalize on every phone call. Dental Support Specialties helps you do just that by scheduling in your software and giving your patients a better experience.
About Dental Support Specialties
The team members at Dental Support Specialties have many years of dentistry experience and know how to use management and scheduling software. Instead of taking messages, they can schedule appointments, helping your practice be more efficient and allowing you to get more conversion. In addition to dental answering service, we also offer billing services and help with accounts receivables. To learn more about us, you can contact our team through the website.