If you’ve ever worked with a call center, you know how annoying the experience can be. Even when you’re talking to a real person, they may or may not be able to help, and it can feel like you might as well be leaving your name and number with an impersonal machine. Dental Support Specialties goes beyond just providing a warm body to put on the phone with your patients. We can do much more than that! Read on to learn how our dental answering service can make a difference for your practice.
Answering Phone Calls
Instead of leaving a voicemail and hoping it eventually gets heard, your patients can talk to a person on the other end of the line. We provide a friendly voice to talk to, which can make a powerful impression and even defuse stress. As a result, we can help your practice build trusting relationships with your patient base even before they set foot in your office.
Scheduling Appointments
Many times, patients are calling to schedule a visit to the office, but a call center doesn’t have the capability to do even this simple task. As a result, new patients can decide to try a different practice, and returning patients can feel frustrated. The Dental Support Specialties team has the necessary experience to work within your scheduling software and actually set appointments over the phone, so no potential patients fall through the cracks.
Handling Dental Insurance Verification
Honestly, who has the time to talk to insurance companies? Your team is already busy helping patients in the office, filing claims, and doing other necessary administrative tasks that need to be done in person. Dental Support Specialties can take over tedious tasks like insurance verification, enabling your team members to focus on giving patients an enjoyable experience.
Filing and Processing Dental Insurance Claims
The process of filing dental insurance claims may not seem too complicated at first, it can actually involve multiple time-consuming steps, including several phone calls to the insurance company for each patient. The pile of unpaid insurance claims can quickly grow taller, leaving you with money on the table instead of in the practice’s bank account.
Tackling Special Projects
Do you have unfinished administrative projects that need attention? Whether you want to reactivate patients, fill your hygiene schedule, or take a look at chart auditing, our team at Dental Support Specialties can lend a helping hand and ease the workload on your staff’s plate.
Although we both answer the phone while your team is out on vacation, out to lunch, or otherwise unavailable, compared to a typical call center, Dental Support Specialties goes far beyond the norm. Our team is remote, but we can strengthen your practice in tangible, powerful ways.
About Dental Support Specialties
Established in 2008, Dental Support Specialties offers remote administrative assistance to practices throughout the country. With years of industry experience, our team quickly adjusts to your software systems and unique practice protocols. Every month, we provide a record to account for the tasks we performed, so you always know what we’ve accomplished with our time. If you have questions about our services, you can contact Dental Support Specialties by visiting our website here.