As you review your practice’s finances, you notice that dental insurance payments are lagging behind and impacting your bottom line. This important source of revenue needs to improve, but how? Perhaps your team is already stretched thin, and you don’t want to hire another team member just to deal with insurance issues. Instead, consider outsourcing dental insurance verification to a specialized service company. In this blog post, you’ll learn four reasons why this solution could benefit your team and ultimately your practice.
Reduce Stress
Dealing with dental insurance can be stressful for your team members. The process involves submitting the claims, following up with the company, and verifying insurance benefits. Then, account reviews and statements also need to be accessed. If a single detail is incorrect, it can lead to delays in payment and even more phone calls than normal. Handing these responsibilities over to a service company that specializes in this area of dentistry can alleviate the pressure put on your team members, helping them feel more at ease and more likely to enjoy coming to work every day.
Increase Efficiency
For each claim, various phone calls and dental insurance verification tasks require a significant amount of your team’s time, time that they could use completing other necessary tasks around the office. In many cases, insurance gets pushed to the bottom of the priority list, creating an ever-growing aging report of unpaid claims. Turning to outside support for insurance payments ensures that you are paid on time. In fact, you can come to rely on insurance payments almost as easily as you do cash flow.
Save Money
Because of the intricacies of handling dental insurance, many practices feel that they should hire an insurance coordinator. However, outsourcing this part of your practice’s operations can save you money. Not only does working with a service company typically cost less than an annual salary, but it also allows you to not worry about paid time off, sick days, or other challenges that having a dedicated staff member brings with it.
Create a Better Office Attitude
The cold, hard truth is that dealing with insurance can be a frustrating, tedious task that zaps your team members of energy and positivity. After being on the phone for hours with an insurance company, it is difficult to talk to an in-office patient with a upbeat attitude. As a result, that patient can get a negative impression of your practice. Taking insurance responsibilities off your team’s shoulders allows them to maintain a happier office atmosphere and turn your practice into a pleasant place to visit for patients and staff alike.
In the end, delegating insurance tasks to another company can improve your practice. Specifically, working with a service company for insurance issues can help your practice become a thriving business, a positive environment for patients, and a long-term workplace for your employees. To get started with insurance support, contact Dental Support Specialties today!
About Dental Support Specialties
Dental Support Specialties offers administrative support for dental practices from a remote location. Their services include insurance verification and the rest of the insurance process, helping you receive payments in a timely manner. To get your complimentary support analysis, just click here. If you have questions about Dental Support Specialties, call (330) 639-1333 or click here.