Top 12 reasons why your reception area and treatment chairs might be empty – And it’s NOT the ecomony

November 10, 2016

Filed under: Uncategorized — Dental Support Specialties @ 2:31 pm

1) You have less than stellar, grand, charming, warm, friendly, charismatic, smiling, energetic, enthusiastic, go-getting, appreciative, gracious and aware front desk representation.  I called an office in New York a few weeks back to be greeted with a cold, clipped, nasty “Dental Office”. Really, that is all the lady said. If you have someone without at least some of these qualities being the face/representative of your practice, answering your phones and greeting your patients this might be clue #1 on the empty chair syndrome.  Lets face it, all of your team needs to step up in this area because it is the ONLY thing that separates you from the practice down the street. Your customer service. Do patients feel better walking out of your practice than they did walking in? Do they hang up after calling with a smile? These things MATTER!
